Saturday, June 12, 2010

Local vs Foreign Products

Reading the Daily Dispatch this morning, I got rather annoyed by an article about a certain large retail chain (Shoprite/Checkers) Selling imported milk from Argentina for up to a Rand less than locally produced products. Now I not sure about you, but for me a rand is not much and I would rather buy locally produced products when I can.

The article goes further to say that the Parmalat, Clover, etc are forcefully reducing the price of what they pay to the farmers for milk, which I can understand since they obviously trying to compete with Shoprites foreign imported milk. But with the drought that farmers are experiencing in the area, the cost of keeping the cows has increased obviously with them having to buy feed and ship in water in certain areas.

Is this fair by the large dairy companies to lower what they willing to buy milk for? and will they pass this saving on to the consumer?? I am sick and tired of large corporations trying to protect their bottom line to the detriment of us the consumer. So this is my catch 22 do we boycott the large local dairy companies in solidarity to the farmers, or buy foreign imports.

Personally I not going to driver to local Checkers for a litre milk, when the a corner shop around the corner!! So the Slumster says buy local and be Proudly South African and I vow never to step foot in a Shoprite/Checkers until they stop importing milk . . .

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